Eating Disorder Treatment
Bulimia nervosa
Bulimia is diagnosed when a person eats a large amount of food at once (a binge) and then attempts to get rid of the calories in some way (purging).
Maybe you tell yourself you’re not going to binge and purge again, but then eat too much and have to purge. Or you’re afraid of being “fat,” and you don’t like your body. You hate doing this, but you’re afraid to stop.
If you are struggling with bulimia, you probably have a very complicated relationship with food and your body. Everyone’s experience with bulimia is different and your journey is unique. Maybe, you hate the way your body looks regardless of how much you weigh. Or, you might have lots of shame about the way you eat.
Real change is possible.
Understanding Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia is diagnosed when a person eats a large amount of food at once (a binge) and then attempts to get rid of the calories in some way (purging). Purging can take lots of forms. A person with bulimia might vomit the food you’ve eaten, fast, over-exercise, take laxatives or use diuretics. But, purging is not an effective method of weight control.
If you have bulimia you might have a distorted view of your body. So, you might go on feeling bad about your body, until eventually the urge to binge and say “to heck with it” becomes too overpowering. Then you have to purge and the cycle starts all over again.
Specific symptoms of bulimia nervosa
Russell’s sign (a callus on the knuckle where it hits the teeth during vomiting)
Dental problems, especially enamel erosion
Puffy appearance from swollen parotid glands
Esophagus/throat damage
Preoccupation with body and weight
Guilt and shame about eating
Anxiety about being able to purge
Difficulty concentrating
Poor self-image
Hiding/hoarding food
Eating in secret
Stealing food
Often leaving immediately after eating
Exercising even when injured
Counseling Can Help You Find Freedom From Bulimia Nervosa
During eating disorder treatment, we work with you to help you to get a handle on the symptoms of bulimia. We help you understand how feelings of low self-worth, deprivation, and fear are causing your eating disorder. Monarch therapists understand bulimia well and how it impacts your life. Ultimately, our goal is to help you develop a more realistic perception of the way your body looks.
Each of our counselors at Monarch Wellness and Psychotherapy takes a personal approach to bulimia treatment. We recognize that everyone’s experience with bulimia is different. Therefore, we tailor our treatment approach to fit the unique needs of everyone we see. By understanding the emotional need that underlies your desire to binge and purge, we can help you to find alternative ways to feel safe, in control, and empowered. Also, Monarch therapists take an active approach to bulimia treatment, so they might encourage you to reach out when you are feeling like you’ve lost control.
We take a unique approach to bulimia treatment
Healing from Bulimia
After treatment for bulimia, you will have tools to deal with emotional distress that may be fueling your urges to binge and purge. You will also be able to be compassionate towards yourself. Additionally, your relationships with others will begin to improve. Ultimately, we hope you will freedom from the control food once held in your life.
Ready to start your healing journey?
Schedule an appointment with Monarch Wellness and Psychotherapy today. We’re here to support you every step of the way toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.